Minimum wage
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A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. Equivalently, it is the lowest wage at which workers may sell their labor. Although minimum wage laws are in effect in many jurisdictions, differences of opinion exist about the benefits and drawbacks of a minimum wage.
- Related: Average worker's wage, Labour law, Living wage, Maximum wage, Positive rights, Minimum wage history, Wage slave
Minimum wages database Minimum wages database - Web |
Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009 - Web |
Find It! By Topic: Wages: Minimum Wage Find It! By Topic: Wages: Minimum Wage - Web |
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The National Minimum Wage (U.K.) The National Minimum Wage (U.K.) - Web |
Minimum Wage Rates in All States of India Minimum Wage Rates in All States of India - Web |
The Minimum Wage: Information, Opinion, Research The Minimum Wage: Information, Opinion, Research - Web |
Issues about Minimum Wage Issues about Minimum Wage - Web |
Issue Guide on the Minimum Wage Issue Guide on the Minimum Wage - Web |
Reporting the Minimum Wage Reporting the Minimum Wage - Web |
The Economic Effects of Minimum Wages The Economic Effects of Minimum Wages - Web |
Economics in One Lesson: The Lesson Applied, Chapt... Economics in One Lesson: The Lesson Applied, Chapter 19: Minimum Wage Laws - Web |