Northeast India

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Naga Girl from Nagaland

Northeast India is a slightly sliced region between eastern region in India and Purvanchal Range - an eastward extension of the Himalayas in the northern belt of India that primarily consists of all the regions that have been carved out of the original Province of Assam of British India that consists the present day Assam or Assam Valley and rest of the contiguous- Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and former Princely States of Manipur and Tripura. Apart from these, more recently as a part of greater Northeast India, state of Sikkim and parts of North Bengal (districts of Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, and Koch Bihar) can also be collectively referred as Northeast India. Sikkim was recognized as a part of North-East states in the 1990s.

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