Operation Pluto

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A section of the pipe with the layers successively stripped back

Full-scale production of the two-inch pipe was started on 14 August 1942, using steel from the now near defunct Corby steel works, and six weeks later, on 30 October a thirty-mile length was loaded on board under the command of Commander Treby-Heale OBE, RNR, which was to be used as a full-scale rehearsal of Operation PLUTO. This trial took place between 26 December and 30 December, the thirty-mile length being laid across the Bristol Channel, in very bad and rough weather, and the shore ends being connected up at Swansea and Ilfracombe. Those on board to monitor the test were Mr. Hartley (Anglo-Iranian Oil), Mr. Tombs (Anglo-Iranian Oil), Mr. Colby (Iraq Petroleum), Mr. Betson (Post Office), Commander Hardy (Admiralty) and Mr. Whitehead OBE (Johnson and Phillips), who had designed the pipe handling equipment.

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