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Archivo:Porajmos.jpg Romani arrivals in the Bełżec extermination camp await instructions |
The Porajmos (Romani: ) (also Porrajmos or Pharrajimos, literally, devouring or destruction in some dialects of the Romani language) was the attempt made by Nazi Germany, the Independent State of Croatia, Horthy's Hungary and their allies to exterminate the Romani people of Europe during World War II. Under Hitler's rule, both Roma and Jews were defined as "enemies of the race-based state" by the Nuremberg laws; the two groups were targeted by similar policies and persecution, culminating in the near annihilation of both populations within Nazi-occupied countries.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: Antiziganism, Szczurowa massacre, Korkoro
Historical Amnesia: The Romani Holocaust Historical Amnesia: The Romani Holocaust desicritics.org/2006/09/05/002209.php - Web |
Extensive online resource on the Holocaust of the ... Extensive online resource on the Holocaust of the Romanies isurvived.org/TOC-I.html#I-7_Romanies - Web |
Non-Jewish Victims of Persecution in Germany Non-Jewish Victims of Persecution in Germany www1.yadvashem.org/.../non_jews_persecution.asp?WT.mc_id=wiki - Web |
Gallery for «Porajmos»
- Porajmos.jpg
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Histories, Narratives and Documents of the Roma an... Histories, Narratives and Documents of the Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) www.chgs.umn.edu/.../roma___sinti__gypsies_.html - Web |
A Brief Romani Holocaust Chronology A Brief Romani Holocaust Chronology www.osi.hu/rpp/holocaust.html - Web |
Roma-Sinti Genocide (Parajmos) Resources Roma-Sinti Genocide (Parajmos) Resources www.preventgenocide.org/.../ - Web |
Memorial of Poraimos (Romani) Memorial of Poraimos (Romani) www.rromanes.com/4791/index.html - Web |
Porajmos.com - a project by Yahad - In Unum and Ro... Porajmos.com - a project by Yahad - In Unum and Roma Dignity porajmos.com - Web |
Roma and Sinti Under-Studied Victims of Nazism (Sy... Roma and Sinti Under-Studied Victims of Nazism (Symposium Proceedings), PDF, 98 р. www.ushmm.org/.../paper.pdf - Web |
Persecution and resistance of Gypsies under Nation... Persecution and resistance of Gypsies under Nationalsocialism www.rbenninghaus.de/gypsy-biographies.htm - Web |
Gypsies: A Persecuted Race Gypsies: A Persecuted Race www.chgs.umn.edu/histories/victims/romaSinti/gypsies.html - Web |
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A People Uncounted. The Untold Story of the Roma. A People Uncounted. The Untold Story of the Roma. apeopleuncounted.com - Web |