Rani Lakshmibai

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Rani Lakshmibai as shown in a 19th century painting

Till this point, Lakshmibai was reluctant to rebel against the British. Her forces did not kill any East India Company officials and their wives and children in Jokhan Bagh on 8 June 1857 but she was subsequently accused by the British of that. She fought against British troops when Sir Hugh Rose besieged Jhansi on 23 March 1858. An army of more than 20,000, headed by Tatya Tope, was sent to relieve Jhansi but they failed to do so when they fought the British on 31 March. Hugh Rose and an Indian general betrayed Rani Lakshmibai. Three days later the besiegers captured the city. Jhansi Rani Lakshmibai escaped in the night with her son, surrounded by guards.

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