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Archivo:Cellulose strand.jpg Linear structure of cellulose -- the most common component of all organic plant life on Earth. * Note the evidence of hydrogen bonding which increases the viscosity at any temperature and pressure. This is an effect similar to that of polymer crosslinking, but less pronounced. |
Rheology () is the study of the flow of matter, primarily in the liquid state, but also as 'soft solids' or solids under conditions in which they respond with plastic flow rather than deforming elastically in response to an applied force.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: Liquid, Solid, Glass transition, Die swell, Microrheology, Transport Phenomena (book)
The Origins of Rheology: A short historical excurs... The Origins of Rheology: A short historical excursion www.ae.su.oz.au/rheology/Origin_of_Rheology.pdf - Web |
Romanian Society of Rheology Romanian Society of Rheology reologie.ro - Web |
British Society of Rheology British Society of Rheology www.bsr.org.uk - Web |
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Australian Society of Rheology Australian Society of Rheology www.rheology.org.au - Web |
American Society of Rheology American Society of Rheology www.rheology.org/sor/ - Web |
Rheonova:French Rheology Technology Platform Rheonova:French Rheology Technology Platform www.rheonova.fr - Web |