Spencer family

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Althorp, the family seat of the Spencer family for 500 years

The Spencer family is one of Britain's most illustrious aristocratic dynasties. This noble family descended in the male line from Henry Spencer, claimed to be a descendant of the cadet branch of the ancient House Le Despencer (died c. 1478), male-line ancestor of the Earls of Sunderland, the later Dukes of Marlborough, and the Earls Spencer. A prominent member of the family line was the late Diana, Princess of Wales (daughter of John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer), and Winston Churchill was related to the Spencer family in the 18th century through the Dukes of Marlborough. The descent of the Spencer family from the Medieval Despencers has been challenged, especially by Horace Round in his essay on The Rise of the Spencers. The Spencers were granted a coat of arms in 1504 which bears no resemblance to that used by the family after c. 1595, which was derived from the Despencer arms. Round believed that the Despencer descent was fabricated by Richard Lee, a corrupt Clarencieux King of Arms.

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