Sunderlal Bahuguna

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A protest message against Tehri dam, which was steered by Sundarlal Bahuguna for years. It says "We don't want the dam. The dam is the mountain's destruction."

Sunderlal Bahuguna (born 9 January 1927) is a noted Garhwali environmentalist, Chipko movement leader and a follower of Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of Non-violence and Satyagraha.His actual family name is Bandyopadhyay a common family name for Bengali Brahmin. About 800 years ago, three men from a Bandyopadhyay family in Bengal travelled to the Himalayas. There, they came across the king of the Garhwals who was ill. These men had knowledge of medicinal herbs and managed to cure the king. In return, the latter gifted them a village called Buguna. Thus their title became Bahuguna . For years he has been fighting for the preservation of forests in the Himalayas, first as a member of the Chipko movement in 1970s, and later spearheaded the Anti-Tehri Dam movement starting 1980s, to early 2004. He was one of the early environmentalists of India, and later he and people associated with the Chipko movement later started taking up environmental issues, like against large dams, mining and deforestation, across the country.

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