Sustainable development
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![]() Solar power towers utilize the natural resource of the Sun, and are a renewable energy source. From left: PS10 and PS20 solar towers. |
Sustainable development (SD) is a pattern of economic growth in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come (sometimes taught as ELF-Environment, Local people, Future). The term 'sustainable development' was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Alternatively, sustainability educator Michael Thomas Needham referred to 'Sustainable Development' "as the ability to meet the needs of the present while contributing to the future generations’ needs." There is an additional focus on the present generations' responsibility to improve the future generations' life by restoring the previous ecosystem damage and resisting to contribute to further ecosystem damage.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: Applied sustainability, Appropriate technology, Bright green environmentalism, C. Arden Pope, Carrying capacity, Civilization, Clean tech law, Cleaner production, Conservation biology, Conservation development, Conservation (ethic), Ecological economics, Ecological modernization, Environmental issue, Environmental justice, EU environmental policy, Green Building, Eugene Green Energy Standard, Green Globe, Hydroelectricity, Industrial ecology, Living Planet Index, Limits to growth, Geothermal energy, Maximum sustainable yield, Micro-sustainability, Natural environment, Natural landscape, Nature, Passive solar building design, Planetary boundaries, Renewable energy, Social sustainability, PRiSM, Solar energy, Stewardship, Sustainability, Sustainable fishery, Sustainable forest management, Sustainable land management, Sustainable living, Sustainable yield, Sustainopreneurship, World Cities Summit, Zero-carbon city
World Bank World Bank - Web |
U.K. Sustainable Development Commission U.K. Sustainable Development Commission - Web |
Sustainable Development Law & Policy Sustainable Development Law & Policy - Web |
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Sustainable Development: Center for Global Studies... Sustainable Development: Center for Global Studies at the University of Illinois - Web |
Principles of Sustainability Principles of Sustainability - Web |