Textual criticism
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![]() Carmina Cantabrigiensia, Manuscript C, folio 436v, 11th century |
Textual criticism (or lower criticism) is a branch of literary criticism that is concerned with the identification and removal of transcription errors in the texts of manuscripts. Ancient scribes made errors or alterations when copying manuscripts by hand.
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An example of cladistics applied to textual critic... An example of cladistics applied to textual criticism rjohara.net/darwin/files/bmcr - Web |
Stemma and Stemmatics Stemma and Stemmatics www.skypoint.com/members/waltzmn/Stemma.html - Web |
Stemmatics and Information Theory Stemmatics and Information Theory w3.uniroma1.it/cogfil/ecdotica.html - Web |
Gallery for «Textual criticism»
- Codex Vaticanus B, 2Thess. 3,11–18, Hebr. 1,1-2,2.jpg
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Computer-assisted stemmatology challenge & benchma... Computer-assisted stemmatology challenge & benchmark data-sets www.cs.helsinki.fi/teemu.roos/casc/ - Web |
Searching for the Better Text: How errors crept in... Searching for the Better Text: How errors crept into the Bible and what can be done to correct them www.bib-arch.org/e-features/searching-for-better-text.asp - Web |
Manuscript Comparator Manuscript Comparator openscriptures.org/prototypes/manuscript-comparator/ - Web |
A detailed discussion of the textual variants in t... A detailed discussion of the textual variants in the Gospels www-user.uni-bremen.de/~wie/TCG/index.html - Web |
A complete list of all New Testament Papyri A complete list of all New Testament Papyri www-user.uni-bremen.de/~wie/texte/Papyri-list.html - Web |
An Electronic Edition An Electronic Edition itsee.bham.ac.uk/iohannes/byzantine/index.html - Web |
New Testament Manuscripts New Testament Manuscripts www.laparola.net/greco/ - Web |
Library of latest modern books of biblical studies... Library of latest modern books of biblical studies and biblical criticism translate.google.com/.../translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=uk&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftarasskeptic.blogspot.com%2Fp%2Fblog-page.html - Web |
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An Online Textual Commentary of the Greek New Test... An Online Textual Commentary of the Greek New Testament greeknewtestament.net - Web |