Tibetan Buddhist canon
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Young monks printing scriptures. Sera Monastery, Tibet. 1993 |
The Tibetan Buddhist canon is a loosely defined list of sacred texts recognized by various sects of Tibetan Buddhism. In addition to sutrayana texts from Early Buddhist (mostly Sarvastivada) and Mahayana sources, the Tibetan canon includes tantric texts. The Tibetan Canon underwent a final compilation in the 14th century by Buton Rinchen Drub (1290–1364).
- See also: Wikipedia
Tibetan Canon Tibetan Canon www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/history/s_tibcanon.htm - Web |
The Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center Digital Libra... The Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center Digital Library www.tbrc.org/index.xq - Web |
Lotsawa House Translations of Tibetan Buddhist tex... Lotsawa House Translations of Tibetan Buddhist texts lotsawahouse.org - Web |
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Overview of typical Kagyu shedra curriculum Overview of typical Kagyu shedra curriculum www.rinpoche.com/palttc.html - Web |
The Translation of Buddhism in Tibet The Translation of Buddhism in Tibet translationintibet.wordpress.com - Web |
Review of The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Edu... Review of The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk jbe.gold.ac.uk/12/edelglass-review.pdf - Web |