Welsh language
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A 2004 survey by the Welsh Language Board indicated that 21.7% of the population of Wales (611,000 people) were able to speak the language. This figure marks a 0.9 percentage point increase when compared with a figure of 20.8% from the 2001 census, and an increase of approximately 35,000 in absolute numbers within Wales. Of those 611,000 Welsh speakers, 57% (315,000) considered themselves fluent, and 78% (477,000) consider themselves fluent or "fair" speakers. 62% of speakers (340,000) claimed to speak the language daily, including 88% of fluent speakers.
- See also: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Commons
- Related: English and Welsh, Welsh Bible, Welsh Language Board, Welsh placenames, Welsh Tract, Welsh (surname)
Welsh Language Commissioner Welsh Language Commissioner www.welshlanguagecommissioner.org - Web |
Welsh Language Board: The Vitality of Welsh: A Sta... Welsh Language Board: The Vitality of Welsh: A Statistical Balance Sheet, August 2010 www.byig-wlb.org.uk/.../The%20Vitality%20of%20Welsh%20A%20Statistical%20Balance%20Sheet%20August%202010.pdf - Web |
Link for Welsh language statistics Link for Welsh language statistics new.wales.gov.uk/.../?lang=en - Web |
Gallery for «Welsh language»
Average relevance
Example knowledge of Welsh (KS25) data Example knowledge of Welsh (KS25) data neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/.../LeadTableView.do?a=3&c=NP20&e=15&g=421314&i=1001x1012x1013x1003x1004&j=324960&m=1&p=-1&q=1&r=0&s=1210299776914&enc=1&dsFamilyId=888 - Web |
Welsh Phrasebook at Wikitravel Welsh Phrasebook at Wikitravel wikitravel.org/en/Welsh_phrasebook - Web |
Welsh Lexicon Welsh Lexicon www.cs.cf.ac.uk/fun/welsh/LexiconForms.html - Web |
Mwydro Ynfyd Dedwydd Conversational Society Mwydro Ynfyd Dedwydd Conversational Society www.myd.org.uk - Web |
Cymdeithas y Dysgwyr Conversational Society Cymdeithas y Dysgwyr Conversational Society www.cyd.org.uk - Web |
Say Something in Welsh Say Something in Welsh www.saysomethinginwelsh.com - Web |
Learning resources on the BBC website Learning resources on the BBC website www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learning/learnwelsh/ - Web |
Welsh Grammar Welsh Grammar learn101.org/welsh.php - Web |
Low relevance
A grammar of the Welsh language (by Thomas Rowland... A grammar of the Welsh language (by Thomas Rowland, 1853) books.google.com/.../books?id=4-8IAAAAQAAJ&printsec=titlepage&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0 - Web |