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Zenobia Antoninianus coin reporting her title, Augusta and showing her diademed and draped bust on a crescent with the reverse showing a standing figure of Ivno Regina, holding a patera in her right hand, a sceptre in her left, a peacock at her feet, and a brilliant star to the right

Zenobia (240 – c. 274) was a 3rd-century Queen of the Palmyrene Empire in Roman Syria. She led a famous revolt against the Roman Empire. The second wife of King Septimius Odaenathus, Zenobia became queen of the Palmyrene Empire following Odaenathus' death in 267. By 269, Zenobia had expanded the empire, conquering Egypt and expelling the Roman prefect, Tenagino Probus, who was beheaded after he led an attempt to recapture the territory. She ruled over Egypt until 274, when she was defeated and taken as a hostage to Rome by Emperor Aurelian.

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