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Overfishing is the act whereby fish stocks are depleted to unacceptable levels, regardless of water body size. Resource depletion, low biological growth rates, and critical low biomass levels (e.g. by critical depensation growth properties) result from overfishing. For example, overfishing of sharks has led to the upset of entire marine ecosystems.
- Related: Biodiversity, Catch and release, Factory ship, Natural environment, Maximum sustainable yield, Sustainable development, World Oceans Day
FAO Fisheries Department FAO Fisheries Department www.fao.org/fi/default.asp - Web |
Seafood Watch Seafood Watch www.seafoodwatch.org/cr/seafoodwatch.asp - Web |
Fishsubsidy.org Fishsubsidy.org www.fishsubsidy.org - Web |
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Newfoundland Crisis Newfoundland Crisis egj.lib.uidaho.edu/egj17/mason1.html - Web |
The Starving Ocean The Starving Ocean www.fisherycrisis.com - Web |
US Economic Costs of Overfishing for Industry & So... US Economic Costs of Overfishing for Industry & Society www.economics.noaa.gov/.../ - Web |
Overfishing Long Ago Tied to Modern Ecosystem Coll... Overfishing Long Ago Tied to Modern Ecosystem Collapse news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/08/0807_ecollapse.html - Web |
Photo Gallery: Overfishing Photo Gallery: Overfishing ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/photos/oceans-overfishing/ - Web |
World Bank Fisheries and Aquaculture World Bank Fisheries and Aquaculture go.worldbank.org/WRSWDP1K10 - Web |
Fishing Fishing www.bigfishtackle.com - Web |
Fished Out: The Rise and Fall of the North-America... Fished Out: The Rise and Fall of the North-American Cod Fishery (CBC Archives) archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-73-1595/politics_economy/cod_economy/ - Web |
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Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council www.msc.org - Web |
New science sheds light on rebuilding fisheries New science sheds light on rebuilding fisheries www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2005-02/s-nss021605.php - Web |
Blue Planet Society Blue Planet Society www.blueplanetsociety.org - Web |
Microdocs Microdocs www.stanford.edu/group/microdocs/ - Web |
Conservation Science Institute Conservation Science Institute www.conservationinstitute.org - Web |
Bye bye bluefin: Managed to death Bye bye bluefin: Managed to death www.economist.com/background/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12502783 - Web |