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Poverty is the pronounced deprivation of well being. It is the inability to satisfy one's basic needs because one lacks income to buy services or from lack of access to services.
- See also: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Commons
- Related: Accumulation by dispossession, Multidimensional Poverty Index, Bottom of the pyramid, Climate change and poverty, Cycle of poverty, Development state, Diseases of poverty, Distribution of wealth, Economic development, Economic inequality, Economic Vulnerability Index, Feminization of poverty, Financial exclusion, Food security, Food vs fuel, Fuel poverty, Full employment, Great Depression, Green Revolution, Growth elasticity of poverty, Hunger, Immiserizing growth, Income disparity, Income deficit, International inequality, International Development, Life expectancy, Literacy, Migrant worker, Minimum wage, Neo-imperialism, Neoliberalism, Poor Law, Poverty reduction, Poverty threshold, Poverty trap, Precaria (country), Rural ghetto, Shanty town, Social exclusion, Subsidized housing, Street children, Structural adjustment, Theories of poverty, Underclass, Working poor
Reducing Global Poverty Reducing Global Poverty hdl.handle.net/10822/552568 - Web |
Disease control priorities project Disease control priorities project www.dcp2.org/main/Home.html - Web |
Islamic Development Bank Islamic Development Bank www.isdb.org/irj/portal/anonymous - Web |
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Luxembourg Income Study Luxembourg Income Study www.lisproject.org - Web |
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developm... Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development www.oecd.org - Web |
OPHI OPHI ophi.qeh.ox.ac.uk - Web |
Transparency International Transparency International www.transparency.org - Web |
United Nations United Nations www.un.org/english - Web |
European Commissioner: There is a tendency to evic... European Commissioner: There is a tendency to evict the poor www.rogalinski.com.pl/.../ - Web |
U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Agency for International Development www.usaid.gov - Web |
World Bank World Bank www.worldbank.org - Web |
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World Food Program World Food Program www.wfp.org - Web |