Racial policy of Nazi Germany
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![]() Eva Justin of the 'Racial Hygiene and Demographic Biology Research Unit' measuring the skull of a Romani woman. |
The racial policy of Nazi Germany was a set of policies and laws implemented by Nazi Germany, asserting the superiority of the "Aryan race", and based on a specific racist doctrine which claimed scientific legitimacy. It was combined with a eugenics programme that aimed for racial hygiene by using compulsory sterilizations and extermination of the Untermensch (or "sub-humans"), and which eventually culminated in the Holocaust. These policies targeted peoples, in particular Jews, as well as Gypsies, homosexuals and handicapped people, ethnic Poles, Russians who were labeled as "inferior" in a racial hierarchy that placed the Herrenvolk (or "master race") of the Volksgemeinschaft (or "national community") at the top, and ranked Poles, Russians, Romani, persons of color and Jews at the bottom.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: Aryanization, Germanization, Nazi eugenics, Greater Germanic Reich, Consequences of German Nazism, Holocaust, Porajmos, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Josef Mengele, T-4 Euthanasia Program, The Reich Citizenship Law, Yellow badge, Racism, Aryan paragraph
Nazi Racial Laws in English translation Nazi Racial Laws in English translation www.mtsu.edu/~baustin/nurmlaw3.html - Web |
Nazi Racial Laws in the German original Nazi Racial Laws in the German original www.shoa.de/nuernberger_rassengesetze_texte.html - Web |
Images of a 1938 German "J" Jewish passport Images of a 1938 German "J" Jewish passport www.passportland.com/images/lewin-simon/lewin-simon.html - Web |
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